Scientific Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission

  • Accepted abstracts will be presented either in award paper/e-poster session (subject to the decision taken by the scientific committee). The authors have to specify the category in which they wish to present at the time of submission. Any abstract can be rejected without showing any reason by the scientific committee.

  • Since all the abstracts are supposed to be original works being presented for the first time in any scientific forum, unlike lectures, it is imperative that the subject of these papers must not have been presented or published before.

  • The names of the authors and their affiliations should be sent in a separate page along with letter of affiliation from HOD and also a declaration regarding any conflict of interest. Please note that neither the identity of the Institute nor any of the authors must be mentioned anywhere in the main text of the abstract.

  • A written undertaking, signed by the presenting author and authenticated by Departmental Head must be submitted, mentioning that- (a.) The case/study to be presented has not been presented elsewhere/ submitted for presentation elsewhere. (b.) In case of a study, the presenting student has to be the principal investigator/ one of the co-investigators. A copy of the letter of clearance from Institutional Ethics Committee or Receipt of Application for ethical clearance certificate, attested by the Departmental Head must be submitted in this case, In either case, the presenting author's name has to be present in the IEC letter/ Application receipt, as Principal/ Co-Investigator. All these documents are required as PDF/JPEG format. Hand written undertakings/ documents will not be accepted.

  • Word limit for the abstract is maximum of 250 words in structured format. In case of studies: Title, Aims and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Analysis, Discussion. In case of case reports: Title, Introduction, Case report, Discussion. The abstract will be summarily rejected if not submitted in proper format.

  • All the submitted abstracts will undergo a blinded review and they will be scored by judges. Top12 abstracts will be selected for Award paper session as per the recommendations of the judges (6 mins each). In case of multiple submissions from a single student, the top scoring abstract will be selected for award paper and the rest for e-posters. The rest of submitted abstracts will be considered for Eposters. PGTs may also send their work in the above format for exclusive E-Poster presentation. (A PGT Can submit only one e poster however there can be multiple submission from each institute).

For Award Paper:

  • Sequence of the speakers will be determined by the scientific committee.

  • The number of slides should not exceed "16".  Title slide: Mention the title, name of the presenting author, conflict of interest, and a self-declaration stating that this work has neither been presented nor published elsewhere.

  • Any questions, for clarification, are allowed only from the judges and after the presentation.

For Free Paper:

  • Same as Award paper

For E-Poster Session:

  • The number of slides should not exceed 5 (One each for Introduction and Objective, Methods, Result, Discussion and Conclusion).  Mention of affiliation or co-authors can be done and mention of conflict of interest and source of support is mandatory.

  • Hyperlinks and animations are not allowed. Avoid use of video files. Maximum size of ppt permitted is 15MB. Avoid full sentences and excessive text in general. Bulleted items with key words are preferable.

Essential Requirements:

  • Must be a registered PGT delegate and a Provisional Life Member of IADVL, WB

  • Letter of affiliation from HOD.

  • Undertaking of Abstract submission and Declaration of conflict of interest

  • Send to before 1 November 2024.